(720) 587-5836
Serving Denver Metro Area
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Office Hours

HVAC FAQs: Answers from the Experts

What does HVAC stand for and mean?

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 

What areas do you service?

We service ALL of Denver Metro Area, Colorado.

When are your techs available?

We are here for you when you need! For an Emergency HVAC concern, please reach out to (720) 587-5836

How much does it cost if I need an estimate?

Nothing! Temperature Engineering is able to make an appointment with you to discuss your HVAC needs, and it won’t cost you anything.

Why is it important to perform regular preventative maintenance on your commercial/residential HVAC system?

Read Here

How do I know what equipment I should purchase to be installed?

This is where we come in! We want to make your HVAC installation experience worry free, which is why we can help provide you with informed answers to any of your questions regarding equipment installations. Talk to your HVAC technician about what equipment should be installed in your commercial or residential property.

What is a Zoned HVAC System and why should I install one?

A Zoned HVAC System means you can change and modify how each ‘zone’ in your home is temperature controlled. By using equipment that uses dampers in ductwork, your zoning system will open and close these dampers to move air to the right parts of your home to make for a more comfortable and energy efficient solution. Learn why you should install a Zoned System.

Temperature Engineering HVAC system
Do you provide preventative maintenance for commercial properties and restaurants?

Of course! Preventative maintenance is A BIG DEAL. Neglecting and the lack of annual maintenance can cause more issues down the road, so we highly recommend semi-annual PM!

How often should you perform PM (preventative maintenance) on my HVAC system?

You should have an HVAC professional perform PM on your system a minimum of once a year. The best time to get this booked is before climate and seasons change (Spring and Fall).

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